Thursday, November 19, 2009

crafts for kids!

another fun one to do with the special little people in your lives.. my daughter LOVES "sewing".. at least what she knows of the craft.. she's seven. she made a cube once.. and i'm proud of her..

and she's proud of her cube! =)

anyway.. maybe you'll wanna try this one with your kids.. sO many crafts so little time..


check it out HERE..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


you mean... the basically obsolete pieces of plastic that can fill a landfill and destroy the environment all at the same time??

i have TONS of those.. and you probably do, too...

sO.. now you have something funky to do with them..

weird. but definitely funky..

think more.. conversation piece. think.. REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE!

and have fun doin' it with your Boy George album from ninth grade..


put yO snacks in THIS!

Monday, November 16, 2009

ONE Lego® is all it takes...

YES.. there's only ONE Lego® balancing that whole... umm.. thing.

check THIS out...