Thursday, October 7, 2010


wow.. this one is unbelievable.

i hafta admit, i would've never seen this one comin' in a million years. & i'm sure i'm not the only one to feel this way.

some things just feel right..

other things just give you the impression of someone trying a lil' too hard..
i'm honestly disappointed.. but, who am i?? these people have been through HOW MANY years of successful business venture?

nuff said.

sO, although almost 90 percent of people dislike the new logo, i'm sure GAP will survive..

unlike the lil' green alien girl.. lol

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

i need this!!!

THIS pillow is awesome.. i HAVE to wake up earlier..

look at me. it's 1:00 in the morning & i need to wake up in a few hours to homeschool my kids.

BUY me a pillow. it's for a good cause. LOL!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

RED sails to Capri..

a wonderfully told story of life on the island of Capri in Italy..

& what a delight to finish it today with my kids only to discover that at least in part it is a true place.. with some true stuff happenin' in there!


my heart is tickled.. lol

here's a pic of the *special* place in the book that got me googling..

the BLUE grotto!! :)

i'm blown away.. great story.. i recommend it. it's by Ann Weil.

pic credit to ;-)