Friday, November 26, 2010


as u may already realize, i failed big time with my *EVERYDAY* posts 'til thanksgiving thing.

i'm not that great at this stuff, but i enjoy it, sO.. i keep goin'!!


the truth is i have a LOT to be grateful for. and although i may not be that great at keepin' up with commitments, i know someone who is. & that's Jesus!

NOooo, i'm not trying to turn this blog into some big, huge religious zone... but i AM a Christian!

& anyone who's in love with ANYthing/one tends to talk about that thing/one who has captivated their hearts... no?


sO, yea.. i talk about HIM. Jesus is His name. He taught me a valuable lesson about friendship and forgiveness this week.

(imagine that.. THANKSGIVING week..)

i have a friend whose mom just went to heaven. she shared with me the week before her mother's death that she was sick. with cancer. that stuff is evil.

we prayed. i cried at the thought. it was only about a week later if not even a week that she called me again to let me know her mom was gone.

that quick.

a good friend would make sure to reach out to one whose dearest family member has passed away, right?

you'd think so. but i was sO self-consumed to even remember what being a good friend looked like.

i'm embarrassed by this. but grateful. God taught me a LOT in that week.

how to FORGIVE myself - for failing my friend
how to BE forgiving - through my sweet friend
& what a true GOOD friendship looks like. - she exemplified that to me in her reaction.

i may not do well next week in displaying EVERY sweet quality of a good friend.. but i'm learning.

and for that, i'm grateful. :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

thankful #5..

i'm definitely thankful for a few more HOURS..

i'm starting to look like this..

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

thank-FULL!! #5

i'm sOooo VERY grateful for a SAVIOR.. wait.. i meant THE SAVIOR!!

His name is Jesus CHRIST!!! are my priorities out of order?? O_o

honestly, this guy gets the glory like NO other in my life!! i'm happy to have met Him.. i'm even happier that He accepted me & calls me His own!! ^.^

how can one resist such a supernatural love!? obviously, i couldn't. it took a while for me to discontinue living for myself.. but He changed me!! & i can't deny that He gets all the credit for my new life!!

sO, yea.. this is number 5, but the truth is, i'm grateful for Him EVERYday. i hope that i'm able to display this gratitude properly on a DAILY basis.

cuz, honestly, at times.. i suck. ewww!! i mean REALLY suck.

and yet, u know what??

HE STILL LOVES me!! *... smh this love is amaZinggg!!*

what kind of MAN is this?? the disciples asked this question & it's sO appropriate.

we'll never fully understand this guy.. nor will we completely understand HIS love..

but we should be grateful for it. :)


Monday, November 22, 2010

thank-FULL #4


something that we all take way too lightly at times.

i'm guilty. =_=

but, i'm realizing more and more that i AM grateful (& that i should express it WAY more often) for God providing for me & my family.

• i get to stay at home with my kids *full-time* (and i gripe about it at times... O_o)

ewwww!! i should know better!!

• i homeschool my kids. (and i have griped about that at times... O_o)

i like homeschooling now! LOL

• i'm in a happy, healthy marriage.. ^-^

which, i've heard that that ALONE is a miracle of provision!!

• i have 3 smart, healthy kids..

Yes! God's been an awesome provider.. and HE continues to be!!
i'm amaZed!
writing is sO helpful. LOL.. i'm sure i'll have to read this post for the rest of my life! ha!

sO, why are we such brats at times?? thinkin' that we deserve STUFF!?

God's faithfulness is awesome by itself. everything else is sorta bonus, ya know? :)

*sO, i'm grateful*

Sunday, November 21, 2010


okay. i missed a day. it's fine.

this is MY blog. ;-)

today.. it's still Sunday to me.. (i didn't go to bed yet)

i'm thankful for SUNDAYs in Manhattan. not icecream. that would be sundae. eh heh..

i'm thankful for EVERY opportunity to worship with the body of Christ. i attend Times Square Church in Manhattan.. and i'm really grateful to God for placing me in such a fruitful place.

God's presence is uniquely awesome. and it's always refreshing to enjoy TRUE fellowship with the family of God.
