Saturday, December 12, 2009

a garden for my finger!!

i really, reaLLy like these rings! i think that they're absOLuteLy amaZing!

.. all i really need is a garden for my finger..

you can buy me one *HERE*
heh heh..

Friday, December 11, 2009


it already snowed here once.. but the snowflakes looked nothing like these!! can you imagine, waking in the morning & seeing these beauties.. ALL over your yard.. or goin' outside.. and they're ALL over your hair & jacket!? AwESomE! =)

you can see more HERE..

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

gift wrapping??

i don't know anymore..

this looks like sO much more fun! call me crazy, but i may just be a papier mache'ing fool this Christmas..

so much to do, so little time.. but aren't these stinkin' adorable!? =)

you can see the tutorial HERE!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

*whimsy stuff*

i don't know why i got the idea of calling this *whimsy stuff*.. it just seemed fitting for such unique treasures grouped together for wonderfully creative photos! check these out..

i'm very fond of hodge-podge delights that cause the senses to purr like a dreamy kitty! ^_^

you can see more here..



it's one of those things that i've ALWAYS wanted to learn how to do... and i'm pretty sure that one day i'll give it a try! ... hopefully one day soon. what with all of this Christmas present making! check out these cute lil' embroidered patches.. i'd LOVE to do stuff like this! i'd probably embroider everything.. =)

my one downfall is that i count the "costs" a bit too much before crafting.. a lot of times i end up discouraging myself before i even begin.. gotta get past that lil' monster called "discouragement"..

i find that we often make "him" a LOT bigger than "he" really is.. as one of my pastors said once.. many years ago, and i paraphrase.. in toshanese.. "just as in using a magnifying glass.. so it is with the things of God.. you put it on the problem.. and it seems a LOT bigger than it really is.."

i have to seek to MAgNiFy Jesus! He's in me.. ready to get my creative "juices" flowing! LOL

(boy am i a lil' long-winded.. heh heh)

btw.. you can see more here..