Friday, November 18, 2011

thankful #3780

i'm thankful for aging.

you know, the inevitable wrinkles, stiff joints, hoary head..  all that *fun* stuff.

just kidding.

i'm not gettin' older.  matter of fact, i refuse to.. sOo, today i'm thankful for other sweet reasons.. (which do include another year passing..)

my only girl made me a cake & jewelry.  sOoo sweet.

pretty awesome, huh? her 1st cake EVER. she rocks!  <3
my j-boy #1 made me breakfast AND dinner!!  ^.^

the other j-boys cleaned their room! :D

i'm thoroughly impressed by my peoples.. sO thoughtful!

i went shoppin' yesterday & got some oh sO groovy shoes among other goodies.. 

i'm on a tiny, cute, lil' cloud of happiness.  <3

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