Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009


these hafta be the most adorable little hats i've EVER seen..

okay.. maybe it's what's inside of the hat..

but i want them in EVERY color. for my big head. & babies to match.

**hee hee**

you can buy them HERE!


i just found a pretty cool site!

check it out HERE..
they have lots of funny gift ideas as well as some cool fashions..

here are a few things i found that i thought you might enjoy..

Anthropologie! of my favorite places.. ever.

here are some of the items that they're selling right now..

you can buy these items .. HERE.. for me, if you don't have anyone else to shop for! ;-)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

fun craft stuff!

i found a VERY cool site today..

i LOVE crafting.. i'm not as faithful as i'd like to be.. but i LOVE it!!

i guess the bottom line is making time for stuff you like to do..

sO, maybe i should say "i like crafting".. that sounds sOoo boring..

i REALLY DO love it.. i'll hafta prove it.. someday!

until then, i'll fascinate you with yet another fun find..
Word Bird
(one of the many cute things.. from the site.. don'tcha think these birdies are adorable?)

check this site out.. spotted canary ... they have LOTs of neat ideas, contributed by some creative & artistic crafters.. enjoy! =)

Monday, October 26, 2009

neat lil' slideshow..

i LOVE old school.. something about the way things USED to be done is aWeSoMe...

and intriguing.. and interesting.. and well.. different.

i DON'T prefer new media.. full of garbage, mudslinging, and filth.

sO.. when old stuff comes around.. most people wanna check it out..

'cos it's kitschy and kool. sometimes. (a couple of the images are not too great, but the majority, you'll find quite amusing..)

anyway, i find lil' tidbits of info interesting..

check it out.. HERE.