Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Don't ever let a year pass..

well, i'm obviously back from Africa.. i have a TON of explaining to do, cuz it's now March 2013.. almost a year has passed & i owe sO many of you BIG apologies for taking sOoo, so long..

what can i say, i'm busy.. lol

but finally, i'm taking time to update you on what must've been one of the most amaZing adventures of my life yet..  living for Christ is an adventure in and of itself, but the lil' extra bonuses are often pretty mind-blowing!

sO.. i take a LOOong time to get to Africa & i arrive in Nairobi, Kenya. the place is so city-like & touristy that there's not much to say about it other than there is TIGHT security. our hotel was next to a mall & when you try to go into the mall, there's military-lookin' security with big guns who check your bags..

serious stuff.

but the NEXT day, the adventure began.. we started by meeting the older girls & doin' a lil' bit of touristy stuff.. like the Rift Valley (pics don't do it justice..) which is unbelievably BEAUTIFUL & i think you can call it majestic..  ;)

we stop there to visit some tourist shop & they see the mzungus (foreigners) & automatically see dollar signs..

*imagine that*

sO, i wanna buy a few trinkets that i'm thinkin' at the most would cost about thirty bucks, but the dude is trying to milk me for 75 bucks! obviously he doesn't know the kind of mzungu i am. lol .. i had one of the girls go in with me & boy did she get in to it with the man..

*insert swahili argument here*

i paid $24. heh heh..

that night we went to visit the girls for the first time. (4 of the team members were already there)

as we approach there's amaZing singing.. & the moment we walk in EVERYthing STOPS so that we can be bombarded with giggles & double hugs from EVERY single girl in that place.. & there are something like 50-60 girls..

all i could do was CRY. they sang songs for us & i'm sure that that's what heaven will sound like:

this is actually them singing.. i will not post actual photos of them out of concern for their safety & well-being.. 

my first *taste* of what my life would be like for the next 9 days & i was overwhelmed with a FLOOD of tears of joy for such sweetness.

i knew then & there that i wasn't gonna be the same.. & that this experience would change my life forever.  <3

African landscape is sOo beautiful. 

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